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Fifa Manager 14 Crack Only Tpb: How to Get the Full Version of the Best Soccer Management Game


v j j jJ fJIJ10 THE WASHINGTON HERALD FBIDAY ID4Y DECEMBER DE EMBER 9 9Boston 1S10 1S10Boston 1110III Boston Nationals to toBer Be Sold Sold for 130000 130OOOBo i3OOOOaBawling Bowling ling Racing RacingOtherSports acing Other ther Sports J IBuy Gift Cutlery CutleryAtAt the Big Hardware Store StoreYcraYcra have the largest and best collection of cutlery in Wash Washington Washngton Washington ington ngton from which to select Lowest prices quoted quotedSjf quotedHandsome quotedHandsomeSjf Handsome 2plece 2pieceStal pIecc Stag Handle HandleCarving HandleCarving UandleSetSpecial SpccInlSet Carving Set guaranteed guarante d piuu piuuSet 51 61 1O6 1O6Set Aft 00Set of 6 Celluloid Handle Ta Tabio Tad Taeddbio Knives fully guar guar3piece C1 175 1753plece 7C 7Cttoed d plO plO3pleoet3pleoe Stag Handle Handle Carving CarvingSet CarvinSSet CarvingSetSet guaranteed CO 2 50 CftSpecial SpecialKn8fC S S18O OU OUSetKnives Kn8fC Set of 6 Rogers Plated JpiOU JpiOUSot 51 180 180Sot 18OKflIVesftfldk 13 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Chases yoHtorday o afternoon afternoontoto see Christy Mathewaon and Chief ChiefMeyers Chlet1cyers iiief iiiefMeyergMeyers act in their sketch kecch called calledCurve calledCurves CalledCurvesCurves CurveAs CurvesAs CurvesAsAs soon as Matty heard that thatElborfold thatElborfoldvaz Blborf EIborfeld EIborfeldwu old oldwaawaa vaz In in fl the house hOWlehtt he h insisted on having havingtho hfn1ngtho havingthetho Kid Ibd call upon him behind the scone sconesElberfeld sconeElberteld sconeElberfeldElberfeld and and Metty aro oldtime oldtimefriends oldUmefriend dUine dUinefriendafriends and their greeting waa wa more morecordial than thancordial tbt1ncordiaLcordial cordialWhat cordiaLWhat cordialWhatWhat you ou got today Matty asked askedthe askedthe askedthethe Kid KidSame KJdSame KidSanieSame old fadoaway ball and and say sayIm anyIm sayImIm getting away way with it great In this thisvaudeville thisvauflev1Ja thisvaudevillevaudeville league loagaoSoft loapaSoft leagueSoftSoft for you fallows f replied Ether Blberfeld Ether1eld Elbergeldgeld but I dont blame you a bitas bitasfor bltutor bitasforfor me me give mo the quiet life in the thecountry thecount thecountrycountry count down on the dear old farm I Iam Iam Iamam satisfied aatls ed to quit baseball when the thecurtain thecurlain thecurtaincurtain drops in October OctoberAfter OctoberArter OctoberAfterAfter a few more exchanges of pleas pleasantries ploosantrica pleasantries antries Elberfeld returned to his seat and andwaited andwaited andwaitedwaited for the act to come off offWith onWith ol olwithWith the veteran third sacker wnsl1ts wnsl1tsyoung was his hisyoung htsyoungyoung son Jack Elborfeld and the little littlefellows littletellows littlefellowsfellows eyes glistened when the curtain curtainarose curtainaro curtainarosearose aro e and Mathewson with Chief ChiefMeyers ChIetMeyers ChiefdeyersMeyers and May Tully appeared The Theball Theball Theballball players wore in uniform and as soon soonstarted soonstarted soonstartedstarted to warm up upSay upS upSaySay S father is i that all the speed speedMathewsons m OedMathewsons speediathewsonsMathewsons got inquired the young youngscion youngc1on ounlr ounlrsclonscion c1on of the house of Elbortold The Theonly Theonly Theonlyonly answer ho got was wa Keep quiet quietson Quietson quietsonson and wateh the show showHuh showHuh showHuhHuh commented th the youngster If Ifthats Itthats If Ifthatsthats all hes got you could bit him all allover aJloEr alloverover the lot couldnt you youThis youThill youThisThis latter remark got a rise out of ofMike orMike of4ikeMike Kahoe who laughed JauShedbecrttly JauShedbecrttlyMt heartily heartilyAfter heartilyAfterAfter Mt r the sketch It was the consensus consensusofof opinion that Matty and Meyers had hadeasily hadoosl1y hadeasilyeasily given the people their moneys moneysworth moneysworth moneysworthworth The entire adt is chock full of ofbaseball otb ofbaseballb baseball sabal1 and Bozeman Bulger the base baseball bnScban baseball 1ball writer of the New York World the theauthor theauthor theauthorauthor has handed out some mighty mightyclever mIghtyclever mightycleverclever lines linesMies ltnesMI linesMIsdMies MI May Tully seems to be in the theright theright therightright place Her work adds Just the thenecessary thenecessary thenecessarynecessary finish to the piece and her herimpersonations herImpersonations herimpersonationsimpersonations of Ethel thel Barrymore BarrymoreHarry BarrymoreHarry BarrymoreharryHarry Lauder and others are great greatAn greatAn greatAnAn amusing incident happened yester yesterday yesterday yesterday day morning when Matty and Chief ChiefMeyers ChietMeyers ChiefMeyersMeyers were looking over the Capital CapitalAfter CapItalAfter CapitalAfterAfter taking in a couple of art galleries galleriesand galleriesand galleriesandand other places pl where oil paintings were woroon weroon wereonon exhibition exhibition a friend asked Chief Mey Meyers Meycrs Meyers ers what were his favorite paintings paintingsAfter palntingsAtter paintingsAfterAfter mentioning several old masters mastershe mutershe mastershehe confessed to a liking for Custers GlistersLast Custerslut CustersLastLast Stand Somewhat surprised his hfequestioner hisquestioner h hquestionerquestioner asked him what he saw in inthat Inthat inthatthat pointing pointingWell p1nt1ngWell paintingWellWell replied the chief that is the theonly theonJy theonlyonly picture I lever ever saw where the In Indian Indian Indian dian was getting an even brook brookLast brookLast breakLastLast night Mathewson and Meyers were wereguests were werecuesta wereguestsguests of the National Prom Clnb and andMatty andlttLtty andNattyNatty responded with a modest t little littlespeech Uttlosp littlespeechspeech speechBoseman sp speechBozema ch chBoemanBoseman Bulger who is responsible responsibleforfor the sketch dropped into town yes yesterday yea yeatardilY yesterday terday to see how things were getting gettingalong gettingalonC gettingalongalong alongDuring alonCDuring S SDuringDuring a fanning bee Mathowson psid paidWalter psidWalter psidWalterWalter Johnson a a fine compliment pro proclaiming pro procl proclaiming claiming cl him one of the best pitchers he heever heever heeverever saw He was also strong for Arthur ArthurDovlln ArthurDevlin ArthurDevilDevil the Giants third baseman for formerly tormerly forracily merly a Georgetown star Matty says saysDevlin saysDevlin saysDevlinDevlin is easily tho loading third base baseman baseman baseman man of the National League LeagueBan LeagueBan LeagueBanBan Johnson is in favor of a 154game 154gameschedule 14game6Chednle 154gamechedu1eschedule So are we we divided as follows followsWon tollowsWcm followsWonWcm Won Lost ILstWashbigtm PCt PCt7aahtegtoG PetWasbfngtaa7aahtegtoG Wasbfngtaa 110 41 1 Jli JliHowll niHowll flI flIflowilHowll you score these Wuffll Wes Westorzfl Westorzil WontoraHtoraH torzil Keener and Onslow On low arts the names namesof namesot namesofof four youngsters signed by Detroit DetroitI DetroltII I i never was superstitions of anything anythingonon tb the diamond until 1907 says ya Bill BillBradley BillBradley BillBradleyBradley greatest of third basemen b mim in inhis inhis Iahishis day UWe We were playing In Detroit Detroitone DetroItone Detroitoneone day when Kid Gleason came over overto overtothe overtoto tothe the bench carrying the handsomest handsomestbat handsomestbat handsomestbatbat I had ever seen seenHow seenHow4 How would you like to have that thatstickT thatstick thatII stickT stick he asked askedGreatr askedGreatr askedGreatGreatr I answered standing up and andswinging andsw1ng1ng andswingingswinging the bat as if I were making a ahomo nhomo ahomehomo run What will you take for ItT itrIts It Itres ItTSS Its yours if I youll ou11 take it 11 said saidGleason saJdGleason saidGleasonGleason GleasonTake GleasonIGleason1akoI Take it Why notr not I asked askedBrad askedBrad askedII Brad Brad that bats cursed said Gina Gleason GlcaSn Ginason sonA curse on a bat batTes batYes4 Yes sir I cant make a hit with it itNobody it itNobody itNobodyNobody can Its got a curse curseI curreI1 I laughed and when it was my turn turnat turnat turnatat bat I used the stick I sent the ball ballway ballway ballwayway out by tho clubhouse but JimmyBarrott got it It The next time I drove a alner a aliner alinerliner to tofNck Dick lck Harley The third time I Ihit Ihit Ihithit straight to Gleason It was the same sameevery sameevery sameyevery y time I used that bat I hit tho ball ballSMILE ballSMILE ballSMILESMILE AT SAMS SAMSTALK SAMSTALK SAMSTALKTALK OF THE TOWN TOWNAllAll Brands Brandsof A Aof Aofof Whiskies WhiskiesandD Dand Dandand Gins Ginsserved Gin Ginsservedover s 1 0 C R Rservedserved servedover servedovere over overthethe e bar barSK KSAM KSAMSAM J Ja STEINBERGER STEINBERGERIS I W Cor Ce 8th OBI ad D St Stehard bardbut but couldnt get it safe I tried triedoff triedoft triedoffoff and on for three weeks but never nevergot nevergot nevergotgot a hit hitWheres hit hitWhere4 Where Wheres the bat now BradT Brad asked askedLarry askedI askedLorryLarry I rryOut LorryOut LarryOutOut in our ash heap I lied fed it to the thefurnace theturnace thefurnacefurnace last winter whiterPEffSACOLA winterPENSACOLA winterPENSACOLAPENSACOLA RESULTS EESULTSFIRST RESULTSFmST RESIJITSP151STFIRST ItACESfac and onehalf bal farfouct WaIf WaIflar Waltsr Val ValUrUr MeLaan Ill McOoeiei 3 to X YaD won w Omicron Omicronm Orniomwm Irrln Irrln mm 6 to 1 second Ilartteff Ill 1scksoD Jftdoon3 to 1 thIrd Time l53 15 l3S 35 Dr Crook Cznc Ton TonTwBboy TaDTmheJ ThuTWOh6VTwBboy Grands Daa Dame Von Laer I4 and ud Blads Bldthe Don Doninothe alto TUB TUBSECOND nu nuSJXOND mcSECONDSECOND RAOESir 1IACF and onehalf fnrfonss fnrfonssGrenade tnrlccaOrsiiadcGrenade Orww1c 111 Qriffln T to 5 wen PleuiEg Ill IllBoron 111D IllBnrnsD Boron S to 5 aecosd md Proda 1rocla Ill Paul 8 to 1 1tbird 1 ItIItdtbird Time IS 35 NIds NIctH Endst Endst Oonfescr OonfescrNettie OanlelCZNeWe OenfescrNeUleNettie Carita Carlta and Frank Patton afco ran ranTHITID nn ranTIII11DTHITID RAOBfits and onehalf furlongs fBrion Dan Dand Dand Dandird dir r 111 Brooks llreo eTui eTl won Autumn Uirl Girl un 104 KHJoU 104Ja 1043LqJoU 6 to 1 1 send Don Hamilton Hamilton 111 Martin MartinSS to 1 1 1 third Tin TilDe Plies liSfrS 1 li H 44 Bethlehem Pacards PacardsBnosbaa JteazdaBruubaznBrougham Beth Goodwin Goodwin Maacarol lIaaoroJ Harding and andDonna andDonna andDoimalLalaoracDonna DoimalLalaorac DoimalLalaoracFOURTH IL also ran ranFOURTH nnPOURTHFOURTH RAOBOne mile Amy Ams L L 1M Grif Griftla Qrif Qriffia Gdfia 3 to S won Emmy Iw 1M Bomta 3 to 1 1second 1second 1asxmdsecond Ida Ldcfeford IAdd K fWeupen pm 5 to 1 1 third thirdTime thkdTime thIrdTimeTime Time 116 I 16 Ton Cat Mark IL 11 and QxWn n Ti Peter Peiezateo zaJIo Peteralsoalso ram ramFIFTH 118FIM1I mal4lPrnFIFTH RAOBFirc RAOEFireand and ocr on > half fnrtaaes LadyM Maxim MzdM xi MO G 0111 j 6 to 1 1 won New Star ItO MflMcCtotkcT 1mcOIo ItOMccoekeyMcCtotkcT cOIo 8 to t S second Look Katx Katz 113 113Bur lUBaurJ 113UBaurJ Bur U 6 to 1 third 1iird Tww liJu U23 11U H Il M M Sab Sabbath Sabbath 8abbath bath bath Ortega Ort o Athie thte W Ike Cohen Cohen Sanctim nct1m IUu IUutJeana Ituat1cBna Itcatina >tina and Father atJter Ltde also al SIXTH RAGBtiiz and onehalf fnrioocs l fcrioe BaM BaMola Rnbiofaola ofa 106 lIodaun Hoffman 6 to 1 won B B M 11 Babe X9 X9Donoran JroDonoru 55DoDonoru Donoran Do oran 12 to 1 second San GO CD K9 Solly IIyO6 to 1 1 third Time Time 125 I Locnst Bad Bad Ben Sand SandMeAndrews Sand SandMcAndrewaMeAndrews 11cAndrews Our Nugget t and Automatic also ao ran ranJACESONVHUS ranJ ranJAQKSONVILTJEJACESONVHUS J RESULTS EESUITSFIRST RESULTScrr RESULTSFIRSTFIRST crr RACE RAOE8ix Six furioBga furloB The Whip WWplNrM 93 93Iteraa 3 31iarIteraa 1iar 7 to 1 1 IYOfl jr n Firewood H3 Goldstein GoIdsttin6 to L 1 second Cold Oak Oak l 0W OB Goose 7 to S Sthird StWnL 5tidedthird The IM Oakley Amencaneer Garette GaretteAgaar Gue GueApar GaretteAgaarAgaar Bd LertB Lefpl and Avatar A AIathr tar also ran ranSKCOXD ran ranSBCOND ranS1CONDSKCOXD IUCE 1tACP1ye Pre and onehalf ftjrtonga Red RedBob 1Bob BadBobBob Ul Boras IIm5 15 to 1 1 won Coktia Kfi Dares Darenport DaTef1port Daresportport 3 to 1 wcond Cardiff f M6 Ijto t KiDincsworth EifltnawtrthIs6 to 1 1 1 third Tim Tima li 101 2 ss Startler May Word WordB WerdQI1B QI1 V Mla Mba Scrnse Scn16c 5ool Zoot OJarkaborg Wb Ynim b1 Dusty Dsstyand Dustyandand Walker also ran 11JLTRmD ranTRLILD iTHIRD RAGROne mile mIleand and weaty fo yards yardsHack yardsHidcHack US Btttwoll t waU 5 to 2 won Bean Ilmmm U BrumxnlT I IJI1j107 T Daria 5 to 1 second Norbttt Norbttt 112 Burns mm 5 5to 5to 5toto S to third Time Time 1H5 1 s5 Mont t Gale Minot Minotand Minot Mfnoandand Our Hannah also ran ranFOURTH lIUFOUltTll ranFOUItTUFOURTH RACE RCBSenn Seren farlong fnr1oc Master Robert Robert Robertlii113 But Bnbr RutweIl w U 1 to 3 3 woo Aylmw MT lP son WlbonS sonto WIlsontoS to 1 1 Eccond Hoffman US Ii Goldstein 3 to 1 1third 1thin 1thirdthird Tine 13635 1S 36 The i iand Soaire Xtdc Stoner Stonerand StoMrandand Jolly J o1l7 also ran ranFIFTH ranPIFrH raniipriiFIFTH RAOEFiTe and onehalf o fnrkmca Fly ing Squirrel Ul McCahey M U to 5 50 woe LadyIraa Irma UT Boras ams 3 to 5 second LaSolte 11 11Qoosa 151GuselQoosa Gusel 15 to 1 1 third Time li718 1m 1 Stamrcr StamrcrCamel BtannerI Stam StamcnslI Camel and Westlnry W tbJ17 also ran ranSIXTH ran ranBIXTIl ranSIflI1SIXTH RAOE RA 1tWBOns Oaa and onesixUcnth miles mIi Des DescniaBete D Dcnm DesarnaetscniaBete cnm XB BatuelJ Unwell 3 to 5 wen Bush 109 109Obert 100Obert 109ObertObert 3 to 1 second Mnrraiin MDm1 J1 S3 SMahart SteiBh1rUn39 01 to 1 1 third Time liT Hazclthorpe Stoaeaan StoaeaanVsadcr Stooeman StoneasanWaaerVsadcr and Goloonda ales ran ranOAELA1TD nnOAKLAND ranOAKlANDOAKLAND RESULTS RESULTSFHtST RESULTSFIRST RESULTSFIRSTFIRST RACE nAOnFuthiity Fntnrity coaraa R Red d Kllw K K3w w 1W 1WKirschbasm 1MKIrsch1nmn 101ItiraclihiumKirschbasm 8 to 1 won Eddie Dale Dale 105 it Gar Garnar Garnert Geefleeflee nert 1 to 3 second Araerkua 10 Piddna 6 to 1 1third 1 1thirdthird Time TUne 11SW 1 35 Bokol Bob Chocolate Obowla onlatr Parlor ParterBoy PulerBoy ParlorBoyBoy VcMni Vel8ini Nab and Clyde Herbert also ran ranSECOND tU1 tU1SECOND ranSBONDSECOND RAOKOna mile m e Miss Pleaic Pl e 103 mGorcsn 103GargaziGorcsn G rJm 12 to 5 won Ton Dahlaren D ICO ITheinat Thesusi7 i to 1 1 second Sonia KQ l Gamer 14 to 5 third thirdTine thirdTimeTine Time 134 1 36 BonoreOa New Capital Jim Cat Cafferatta aI aIferattaferatta fer Young Belle neale and SOrer Grain also ran ranTHHID rmTIIDW ranTHIRDTHIRD RACBOno mIle Marburg 107 10 TL11 TL11a Taylor3 to 1 1 1 woe CaL Jack 1 103 ceceod Lotta Crcod 10 101 Martin 7 to 1 third thirdTime thinLTime thIrdTheeTime Time 113 1133l 3 35 Mattondale e Crox Cror Gu and Alton C Calso 0 0IIlso 0alsoalso ram ramFOURTH raaFOURTH ranFOURTHFOURTH RAOE RAOKI RONFiro Fire and onehalf forlofiga forlofigaRoy feriongsILRoy IL Jr 103 Shillfnr 8 to 1 won Arasco AraIO inceo lOt lOtMu 501Martin M MMartinMartin n 7 to 1 1 second Big Stick 09 Gamer7 to 2 2 third Time l1me Tim 106 l tO Coppertoam Jack JackPaine JackPiDe JadcPainePaine LIkely Dieadonne Di Metropolitan and Bit of ofFortiino ofPortnno ofPhebineFortiino alto ran ranFIFTH ran ranFT ranvwrHFIFTH FT RACE RCEOne Ona anile and ectenty ent1 yards yardsTrcasore 3udsTroasnro yardPressurePressure Seeker 103 10 Belden 5 to 1 won Nebotoste Nebotoste1M NebuJDRlOt tj1cM1M Taylor 9 to 2 2 second seco u Keep Morin Morlft 109 109Shflling 109ShiJliDg 109SlimingSliming 7 to 10 third Time 119 Irrigator IrrigatorNettio IrriptarNettio IrrigaisrNettleNettio TraTcra Golf Go Ball Nasmorito Plums Plmn ix4 ix4Dr n4DrDr Drowrdo also ran ranSIXTH ran ranSIXTll raivSIXThSIXTH RACBSix RACi 61x furlongs fnrl n BeTTicence ni 109 109Shlllins 109Sldllng 109ShillingShlllins 1 to 2 won Emma G 100 Garcaa7 to t4 2 2 aecond Camera Camera 108 10 Sdd Se1c n n 25 5 to 1 1third 1 lthirdthird Time Time ia52i 115 25 25 Sorrowful Academist Can Cant emtem tantarnt tem tarn m Sonia Sonh French Coo Cool Cook and Ben Uncas also na naJTJAEEZ ray rayJUAREZ rsjriTAREZJUAREZ RESULTS EESULTSFIRST RESULTSFILOf RESULTSFIRSTFIRST RACE MOEFit FSto furionss Lady Tend Tend 112 112Smith 112Smith 112nlthSmith nlth 9 to 1 won Jim Me Me ill Dcrwltz 50 SOto 50to 50toto 1 second Red Lose lAM Lo 112 Bcnsehoten 9 to tothird X Xthird 2 2thinthird Time lott35 13 Coed xd Trafalgar Tr aJgar Fred Fm1MOI3do Essen EssenMorado EeenMoradoMorado Beach Sand Owmit Texan Texan and Veno VenoVon VenoVon VeioVonVon also ran ranSECOND ran ranSBCOSD ranSZCONDSECOND RAOEPire forlansg Mr Smoot 1C6 1C6CMnrnhy laiMurpby 109cMurphyCMnrnhy 6 to 5 won The Pippin n Ito Cans9 to 5 second Catherine Scott Scott 103 Smith 30 to 1 1third 1 1third 1thirdthird Time 11me 10035 100 36 Pannell Inyorgarry Per Periwinkle PerIwinkle leeialaMe iwinkle and Grace Golden also ran ranTHIRD ranTIJLIRDTHIRD RACESix furlongs Colinet Colinet 102 Allen AllenRII 50 to 1 woe Napa Nick 100 Benachoten S to 5 5secand 5C 5seaandsecand Tom McGrath M5 Cans 10 to 1 1 third thirdTime thidTim thIrdTideTime Tim 10335 11J I J3 35 30 Lucky Hose IfOl Work Box Bar Jeanne JeannedArc leul11dArc JesnosdArcdArc dArc Charlie Rothfchild and Marion 1ui n Casey also alsoran a1sorlII alsoranran ranFOURTH FOURTH RACK ILAC ThACBOnc phi 4 to 5 wee John Louis 103 Gans 3 to 1 1second 1 1second 1semndsecond Pedro 9 9 ne nein Benschoten ot 5 to 1 1 I third Time Time13334 136 1 6 SalMB also ran ranFIFTH ranFfFTII ranFifTHFIFTH RACK MCPFie Flic a Del d onehalf fnrioncs Roe Roe111 Meieswerth 3 to 1 won Mocklw 106 Cans31 to 1 second md Tide 103 Mnrphy 5 to 1 third thirdTime thirdTiInc thIrdTisieTime TiInc 13 Joaras J WlIK Baklla PitaPat Pit Pat Tho Hague Hagueand 11aeandand Helen D ekn Scott also ran ranSIXTH tanSIXrn ranSIXThSIXTH RACE IlAOEOne One nine Harmis anuis 19J Reynolds4 to 1 won Tho Th P Pm r 102 Benschoten 13 to 5 5econd 51etOIId 5ieonirdecond Fred Malholbnd 108 Murphy even eren third thirdTime thirdl thirdTImTime l mc 11115 ldt 15 BOB Ton on also ran ranCornell ranCo ranCone3tCornell Co eU io Tiny Princeton PrincetonIthaca PrincetonIthacn PrincetonIthacnIthacn N Y Doc 8 8Two Two baseball baseballgasnea baseballgnmea baseballgftnlOsgasnea with Princeton Tho ho o first In five fiveyears fiveenrs fiveyearsyears enrs are on the Cornell schedule for fornext tornext fornextnext spring according to the announce announcement announcemnt announcement ment of the athletic atilJeUo council yesterday yesterdayTwo yesterdayTwo yonterdaTwoTwo games with Yale are also scheduled scheduledand scheduIodand scheduledandand two with Columbia while four games gameswill gameswill gameswillwill be played with Pennsylvania as fol follows follows follows lows May 20 at Philadelphia Phil delphla May 30 30at 30at 0 0atat Ithaca June 19 at Ithaca Ithaca and June Junea JuneZIa at Philadelphia PhIlade1phlaIFIFfBOSTON CLUB TO TOBE TOBE TOBEBE SOLD AGAIN AGAINSyndicate AGAINSyndi AQAI AQAISyndicateSyndi Syndicate ate of Hub Men Will WillBe V Yi11Be ill illBeBe in Control ControlHABIUS ControlIIAItRIS ControlBAISHABIUS TOLLSELLFOE WILTSELL FOR 130QOO 130QOONational 130000Nzdlonal 13OOONationalNational League Team to Be Owned Ovniedand 0fV11ec1nnd Ownedandand Controlled for First Jrst Time TimeSince TimeSince TimeSinceSince Pamon Triumvirate by Dos Boston Doston lieston ton People PeopleGames Cornea Likely to Be BePlayed DeIJnyed BePlayedPlayed on Red ne SOTM Ground GroundNew GroundNew GroundsNewNew York Doc 8 8If If 13QJOO 130000 can be boraised bernlsed beraisedraised between now and some > omo time Sat Saturday Saturday Saturday urday afternoon tho Boston National NationalLeague NationalLeague NationalLeagueLeague club will change ownership ownershipThis ownershipThis ownershipThisThis is the price asked by JohnxR JohnpdIar JohnpdIarris JOhRPTar JOhRPTarus Iar Iarrisris us of Plttaburg for the amounfof amount at his hisholdings blsholdings hisholdingsholdings which It is said include in Jude 00 00per 00per 110perper cent of the CApital stock Tho deal dealhad dealhad dealhadhad reached such a stage today thai thaithere tha thathere thattherethere seemed to be no doubt that it itwonjd ItwotVd Itwotldwonjd be b successfully completed before beforethe beforethe beforethethe first of next week and that the new newowners newowners newownersowners a syndicate of Boston men menheaded menhoaded menbeadedheaded by William Hepburn Russell at atprevent atpro atpresentprevent pro cnt a minority stockholder would be beIntroduced beIntroducod beIntroducedIntroduced to the National League men menat menat menatat the meeting on Tuesday at the Irotel HotelBreslin IrotelBreslin IrotelBreslinBreslin BreslinWilliam BreslinWllUam BreslinWilliamWilliam Hepburn Russell Russell Is a lawyer lawyerwith twyerwith lawyerwithwith offices in this city and Boston Ho Howas Hewas Itowaswas asked today to give some particu particulars partfculars particuIsas lars of the deal now pending but he de declared declared dodared clared that he had promised to say saynothing saynothing saynothing I Inothing for publication just yet He ad admitted admlttoo admitt mitted mitt d that he held more than 100 shares sharesof sharesot sharesofof stock in tho Boston club and an boon elected a director but he refused refusedtoto discuss dbcu tho proposed sale of the club dubto clubto clubtoto a Boston syndicate syndicateItIt was learned from other sources that thatMr thatMr thatMrMr Russell Rus ell is after the Boston club and andis andIS andisis slated to become the now president In Inwhich Inwhich Inwhichwhich event every attempt will be made madeto madeto madetoto provide a winning team regardless of ofexpense atexpense ofexpenseexpense expenseThe expenseThe expenseTheThe club will be owned and controlled controlledInIn Boston for the first rst time since the thofamous thefnmous thefamousfamous triumvirate Soden Billings and andConant andConnnt andConantConant sold out to the Doveys who ad admitted admitted admitted mitted they were helped financially 1lnanrlall by byfriends byfriends byfriendsfriends of Barney Dreyfuss including includingJohn includingJohn IncludingJohnJohn P Harris H rr18 John Moren Pittsburgh Pittsburghdirector Pittsburgsdirector Plttsburgsdirectordirector of public safety and John K KToner K KTener KTonerToner governorelect of Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaCqntrary PennsylvanIaCqntrnry PennsylvaniaCqntraryCqntrary to general belief it was waslearned waslearned waslearnedlearned today that the Boston club owns ownsthe ownsthe ownsthethe old South End grounds but that A AH A AII AHH Soden and others hold a mortgage of otSOOooo ofl00000SOOooo 300000 on the property for four years enrs at4 per er cent centThe centThe centTheThe Boston club was offered to a nwe11 nwe11known well wellknown weBknownknown Tammany politician more than a ayear aye ayeotiyear r ago for 250000 0000 Harris making the therproposition thooproposition thepropositionproposition but a prompt refusal was wastho wasthe wasthethe outcome Harris and his associates associatesare associatesare associatesareare now ready to sell for SDOOCOIt 190000 l00cOIf 190000IfIf the club Is sold HOld it is understood that thataa deal will bo made with John L Taylor Taylorpresident Taylorptdlidont Taylorpresidentpresident of the Boston American League Leagueclub Leagueclub Leagueclubclub by which the former form or Doves will willplay willplay willplayplay in future at the new Red Sox sta stadium stadium etadiurn dium diumAlthough diumAlthough diurnAlthoughAlthough Fred Lake has signed a con contract contract contract tract to manage the Boston Nationals Nationalsanother Nationalsanotlter Nationalsanotheranother year it is said that Mr Russell Russelland Russelland Russellandand his friends may decide to place the theteam theteam theteamteam In charge of the veteran Fred Ten Tenney Tenney Tonneyney whose stock In the club was recent recently recently recently ly purchased purch ed by Mr Russell RussellATBEETIC RussellATHLETIC RussellATELETICATHLETIC LEAGUE LPLGUEOPflCEBS LPLGUEOPflCEBSMembership OFFICERS OFFICERSMembership OFFICERSMemberllhlpMembership Rapidly Increasing la laAll 1 1All inAllAll Divisions of Organization OrganizationThe OrganizationsTheThe T e membership in tho Public Schools SchoolsAthletic SchoolsAthloUc SchoolsAthleticAthletic League I e is rapidly increasing increasingTho increasingTh6 increasingThOTho following officers have been elected electedtoto represent rflpro ent their schools in the division divisionleagues dl divisionleagues slon slonleapesleagues leaguesThUtry leaguesMilitaryleapesYilltuyMilitary Road ScboolPnaident s ent Henry H Clark Clarkrice CImria Clarktirerice tire president A A A Hill secretary William H HRiffiia II IIRiain IIIUInRiffiia a yg faft secretary John 1 obn S 8 Hams teens treasurer treJsmer teensera urer era Mfas H II P 1 Morris assistant treasurer M MD Me MeD MDD Levi LewiJones LeviJ0De5 LewisJonesJones School 8d1oo1Pre President Milton Martin rim rimidc1 pros president prosMeat Meat James t3 Jadron adaofL treasurer Miss H IL L 1 Col Collier Collier Cclher lier assistant treaanrer Janus Martin MartinIry 3tartinIsIry Is City Ci SchaolPresJdent Sd1801Presid t Rnssdl H Stewart Stewartvica Stenrtnm atciaset4esvica president t Oliier MaUoty Kontary Vcnja Vcnjamis Bcnlmin 1tm 1tmolinmin F Hall treasnrer Al A A > P Brent teacher of ofthe ofthe ofthethe second grade arefriUnt treasurer Miss tis B C CHeed C CReed CReedReed Heeddw ReedAJabtMh ReedAbaeltAJabtMh > dw h School Schoo1Prtidcnt President George K Moore vice vicepresident Ticepresident vicepresidentpresident dartsnco J Minor MIn Unorj secretary William WilliamHarris WillWnuris WilliamlisarieHarris uris assistant secretary G William Peterson Petersontreasurer PetmontreasmIt Petersontreasarartreasurer Percy Washington W assistant treasurer treasureraa S D I Matthews MatthewsATELETICS MAtthewsATKLBTICS MatthewsATBIETICSATELETICS BEAT CUBANS CUBANSAlmeadarea CU13ANSAlmeJulnres CTThA1SAlmeadaresAlmeadarea Unable to Hit Coombx CoombxScore GoombScore GoombsScoreScore S to 1 1Havana 1Hnvana 1HavanaHavana Dec 8 8T1 8T1Ie The e PhlladelphiaAl PhlladelphiaAlmendares PhUadelphiaA1mendares PhiladelphiaAlmendarosmendares game today tod y resulted in a vic victory victory vietory tory for the visitors by the score of 2 to1 Batteries BntterlesPhilode1phia Philadelphia Coombs and andLapp andLapp andLappLapp Almendares lmendar Pedroso Pedroso and Gon Gonzalos Gonzales Gonsalessales zalosMotto zales11ot0 salesMottoMotto ct the sixday sixdnr cyclists cyclistsGrind c cyclistGrind ellih ellihGrindGrind and the world grinds with youMore Sensible Sensiblef SensibleSuggestions SensibleSuggestionst tSuggestionsSuggestions SuggestionsFineFine Neckwear 50c to toSmoking f5 f5Smokhig fSSmokmgSmoking Jackets 5 5 to 11250 1250Fancy 1250Fancy 1250FancyFancy Vests 2 2 to 8 8Handkerchiefs 8Handkerchiefs 8HandkerchiefsHandkerchiefs 12 124c c to 1 1Initial 1 1Initial 1InitialInitial Handkerchiefs 25c 25cto 25cto 25ctoto 1 1Shirts 1Shirts 1ShirtsShirts 1 to 350 350Underwear 350Underwear 350 350UnderwearUnderwear 50c to 5 5 the thegarment thegarment thegarmentgarment garmentSilk garmentSilk garmentSilkSilk Underwear 6 to 15 15the 15the 15thethe garment garmentPajamas garmentPajamas garmentPajamasPajamas 1 1 to 10 10Night 10Night 10NightNight Shirts 50c Oc to 5 5A 5 5A 5AA Pair of Dancing Pumps400 or a Pair of Teck TeckShoes TeckShoes TeckShoesShoes 350 to 800 800Hats 800Hats 800HatsHats HatsThe HatsThe HatsTheThe finest American models modelsmade modeIsmade modelsmademade are RAMO 2 2 OMAR OMAR3 and PARGET 4 4The 1 1The 4 4TheThe ParkerBridget De BeLuxe DeLuxe DeLuxeLuxe Derby DerbyOur 3 3Our 6 6OurOur PB Special Silk SilkHat SilkHat SilkHatHat 6 6Our 6Our 6OurOur PB Special Opera OperaHat OperaHat OperaHatHat 550 550Traveling 550Traveling 550TravelingI IAmpleTraveling Bags BagsAmple BagsAmpleAmple selection of styles stylesand stylesandand leathers from which to tochoose tochoosechoose at prices ranging from5 5 to 25 25Traveling 25Traveling 25TravelingTraveling Cases 150 to500 500 500PREP 500I500BB ttHeadtoFootI HeadtoFoot Outfitters OutfittersNinth OutfittersNinthandNinth Ninthand and the Avenue AvenuePRHP AvenuePREPPREP TRACK TEAM AT WORK WORKCoacn ORK ORKCoachCoach Tom Smith Has Georgetown GeorgetownYoungsters GeorgetownYoungsters GeorgetownYoungstersYoungsters in Line LineEmbryo LineEmhrOII LineEmbryosEmbryo Plan io Compete Against AgainstAll AgabutAU AgainstAllAll Other ITCal School Star StarTula StnnThh StarsThisThis Sen SenionTrack Season SeasonTrack on onTrnckTrack work at Georgetown h hInitiated > been beenInitiated beeninitiatedInitiated this year by the preps Since Slncolast SinceIn Sincelastlast In Friday thoy have been limbering up upthoir uptholr uptheirtheir stiffened Joints and are arc now at atwork atwork atworkwork on the preliminary training The Thoteanr Theteron Theteamteam this year Is planning to meet all allthe alltho allthethe nearby scholastic schools They Theyhavo TheYhac Thaihavehave not annexed the th championship since1507 but If results can verify erlty the pros prospects prospects prospoets pects tho t embryos arc going Into the thefray thefro thefrayfray fro In earnest earno t this season seasonWilliam seasonWUU seasonWUhlarnWilliam WUU m il MlkLaughUcJ McLaughlin 12 will captain captainthe captaInthe Captainthethe squad and there Is no reason why whyhe whYhe whyhehe should not be a good leader learlerL1st learlerL1styoar Last Lastyoar Lastyeayoar yea he was first fir t man In the relay team teamthough teamthough teamthoughthough It was his first on the cinder path pathA pathA pathAA point In JIlts favor Is that he has no nooutside nooutsido nooutsideoutside ahtletlc interest interestTho InterestThe InterestTheThe manager of the team Richard RichardGolden RIchardGolden RichardGoldenGolden 12 Is the football star of tha thapast thepIlSt thapastpast season He Is the fastest man at attho attho atthetho sprints in the prop school school besides besideshaving beildeshavlng besideshavinghaving earned a place on the relay team teamof teamat teamofof last year yearThe yearThe yearTheThe weight men and Jumpers have not notbeen notbeen notbeenbeen asked to report yet but those who whohave wbobac whohavehave been b 6I1 training under Coach Tom TomSmith TomSmltlt TomSmithSmith captain of the varsity track trackteam tracktoom tvaeicteamteam toom are as follows Capt McLaughlin McLaoghllnManager McLangilUnMnnngM McLaughlinManagerManager Golden Golden Wade Wade Crowley Chllda ChlldaiMcGrath ChUdsMcGrath ChildsMcGrathiMcGrath McGrath Loohl Ioohl Calvin Martin Martin andGIl andGIllon and GU GUlent Gillenlon lentCHRISTYCHRISTY WATEEWSOff SUED SUEDGiant SUEDGlnnb SUEDGiantsGiant Twirler dr1er Defendant Pan PanSeeks FanSeelcs PanSeeksSeeks to Recover 5OOO iOOONew 5OOONew OOO OOONewNew York Dec D 8 SChr1st Christy Mathewson Mathewsonthe Mathewsonthe Mathewsonthethe Giants crack pitcher is defendant In Ina Ina inaa suit in the Supreme Court in Brooklyn Brooklyninin which Frank Schmidt soaks to recover recover5cI150 5000 for alleged false arrest arrestWhile arrestWhl10 arrestWhileWhile a game gam in which Mathewson was wasplaying wasplaying wasplayingplaying was in progress at Washington WashingtonPark WnshIngtcmPark WashingtonParkPark on April 30 190S 100s a ball came wha whazing whl3l whl3lzing whI whIslagzing to the stand in which Schmidt was wasrooting Wasrooting wasroofingrooting and could not be recovered recoveredMathewson recoveredMathewson recoveredMathewsonMathewson as alleged accused Schmidt Schmidtofof taking it as a souvenir and had him himarrested hImaretltcd himarrestedarrested and held at the police station stationfor stationfor stationforfor two hours before he was releasedMAKING A HIT AT CHASESICHRISTY lUmIEWSONJ IwCOMMITTEE NAMED NAMEDi NAMEDBowlers NAMEDBowlers NAMEDBowlers iBowlers Elect League Pres Presidents Presidents President idents to Office OfficeENTREES OfficeENTRIES OfilceENThIESENTREES CLOSE JAOTAY 18 18Fred 18Fred 18PeedFred ITalkcnbeW EalJCnbee IraIkenbeb Stars in n Ohio OhioState OhIoStnte OhioStaleState Championship Matches Held Heldat llehlat Heldatat Cleveland OIevelandAlec Alec DunbAr and Lee LeeI IeeI LeejTolIuI I jTolIu John OI1nll Having Battle Royal in New NewYork NewYorkother l4ewYorkOtherYork Yorkother Other Bowline GoAsIp GoAsIpBjr GoblpDy Goslpflyfly LEN COLLINS COLLINSThe COLLINSThe COLLINSTheThe second annual meeting of the theWashington theWashington theWashingtonWashington City Bowling Association Associationwas luoclatlonwas Associationwaswas held at the Palace PaJ Oe Bowling Alleys Alleyslast Alleyslast Alleyslastlast night and tho only matter or in interest Interest inthreat terest to local bowlers takon up was the theappointment theappointment theappointmentappointment of a tournament committee committeeby committeeby committeebyby President Chase This committee Is Iscomposed 18composed Iscomposedcomposed of all the presidents of the sJlt sJltterent dif different flfferent ferent leagues and should prove to be beono beono beoneono of the best steps taken by tho city cityassociation cityassoclation cityassociationassociation officials toward swinging the thomen themen themenmen into line Heretofore It has always alwaysbeen alwaysbeen alwaysbeenbeen th the policy of the executive commit committee commlttoe committoo tee to appoint Its tournament toumarpont committee committeemainly committeemalnly committeemainlymainly from tho ranks of those who whohave whohave whohay0have volunteered their services servicesWhlJo scrvlcesWhlto servicesWhiioWhlJo their efforts wore met with withcertain II IIcertain acertaincertain degree of success it nevertheless neverthelessremains neverth81eiremnlns neverthelessremainsremains a fact that they could not hope hopeto hopeto hopetoto accomplish as much as a president of ofa ora ofaa league who Is constantly in touch with withthe withtho wIththethe men of his league e The executive executivecommittee executivecommltteo executivecommitteecommittee has set the ISth as the day dayfor i iorfor or closing the entries and bowler who whohavo WhO WhOhavo whohavehavo intentions of entering the different differentevents differentevents differenteventsevents should got themselves together togetherand tog9t11 togetherand r randand send in their applications for mem membership membershlp messbership bership In the city association at the theearliest theearliest theearliestearliest possible dato d to so as to expedite expeditetho oxpedltetho expeditethetho work of the tournament committee committeeasas much as possible possibleThe possibleThe possibleThThe Th Ohio State Bowling championships championshipswhich cluunplonehlpBwhIch championshipswhichwhich wore hold on tho Erie alloys IB IBCleveland JBCI6Ye1and inClevelandCleveland camo to a close clO last night nightand nightand nightandand the scores show that some som Veryhigh very vorylt1g veryhighhigh lt1g class bowling was indulged in Our Ourold Otjr Otjrold Qtlroldold frlond Fred Falkenborg turned off offAlec f f22l22l 1 T and m a total at 1 bowling bowlingwith bowlingwithwith the Sands DIamonds Cleveltmds Cleveltmdsclnwiest Clevelandsclassiestclassiest aulnt aulntAlec cuintAlecAlec Dunbar and Lee Johns are having havingaa battle royal for first place in the theGreater theGreator theGreaterGreater New York individual champion championships championships championships ships Both mon are tied with a record recordof recordot recordofof seven series won and ono lost When Whenthese Whenthese hon honthesethese two past masters hook up in In a sot sotit sotIt sotItit will be worth going miles to see seeManager see1LUlagor seeManagoiManager Blanche of the Capitol Hill Hillallcjt ml1a1lC Hillalleysalleys a1lC has a twoman pot pot tournamont tournamontrunning tournamontrunning tournamentrunningrunning that la keeping the southeast southeastboys southcastboYs southeastbOysboys busy at tho little pins In this kind kindof kindat kindofof a tournament a team pays pa s an en entranco entranco entrancetranco fee of 30 cents 15 a man man and they theyroll theyroll theyrollroll three games for total pins In this thismanner thismnnner thismannermanner a man may take as many manychances manychances manychanceschances as he can find partners but butmust butmust butmustmust come across with tho entrance fee feefor feeCor feeorfor or every set shot That this kind of a apot apot apetpot Is popular was demonstrated last lastmonth lMtmonth lastmonthmonth month when Manager Biaselle pulled off offone olrone offoneone on the same lines Unes and nso 150 was split splitamong splitamong splitamongamong tho first four teams teams on a basis basisof basisor basisofof 40t 40 SO 0 20 0 and 10 per cent cenLThere centThere cciiiThereThere Is some talk of a a trades union unionleague unionleasue unionleagueleague being organized in this city next nsxtX0ar n next3ar t tamongX0ar among those interested in the th ten tenpin tenpin tenpinpin game Other cities where the game gamehas gamebas gamehashas a hold have a a league in which the thedifferent thedlferont thedifferentdifferent unions are represented repre ented and andthere andthere andtherethere is no reason why Washington Washingtonshould WasblnrtonbouId Washingtonshouldshould not fall in line Another good goodleague goodleague goodleagueleague could be formed among amo the fra fraternal fraternal frathrnal ternal organizations orgu Among the bowlers bowlersyou bowlersOU bowlersyouyou OU will ill find Elks Masons MattOns BaglM ftgtes I Odd OddFellows OddFcl1o OddPelIosFellows Fcl1o K K of Ps Ps and many others othersAll othenA11 otherAllAll hat hat is needed to put these two twoleague twoIMgueEI twoleaguesleague in the field Is the right kind of ofmon atmon ofmenmon behind the proposition propositionDOW pro propositionDOWN OSltion OSltionDOWNDOWN THE ALLEYS ALLEYSDISTRICT ALLEYSDISTRlaI ALLEYSBISTRICrDISTRICT LEAGUE LEAGUEPotomao LEAGUEPoIooucI LEAGUEPotzenacePotomao I Nationals Naticcak1st N1st lsLLl 3d M 3d 3d tot 4LM K 3dWard 146 JK 171 I Fowkr 141Sij 14 Jffi 1 12Bxrhas 105 135 MT i Uartd i IX 1 1H 1RPattboo 143 1S3 1 lEO Melbriaad 100 0 146 MSHowser In E9 1SS i Leven Le era W J W IKChapin Oa n 179 113 155 l I Peaty Perl1TcU1s 138 J 15 lie 138Totals lieTotalsTotals E roJ 772 T2 SJO 10 I Totals J5t S3 753 753DEPARTMENTAL e3DEPARTMBvrAL 73DEPARTMENTALDEPARTMENTAL LEAGUE LEAGUaAgg LEAGUEI LEAGUEPoreman Agg fv I I NaTT 5Foreman 21 182 IS 171 Miller 1f ler W JII ii 223Hose 1SS 160 US Fritz m 11 189 KBMcLaxan 196 1 ISO 155 I At AtFirfd Aeguete iii 3 Jft 1Duke In In iii lit edit t US DB us JField I Iffi It lID IK 11 I ODounell BT 15 KS 1W 1WTotals mToWs 174TotalsTotals 826 SB K5 S 1 Total TotslL WO 8M S0 S0OOLONIAlTLBAGDE iNOOLONLU O OCOLONUIAOOLONIAlTLBAGDE OOLONIAlTLBAGDEPioneers OOLONLU LEAGUE LEAGUEPionters LEAGUEPioneersPioneers Continentals ContinentalsSloesMoss IS 176 19 I Rkker Ricke M 1 Kt 1751AIdWILudwiz 1AIdWI Ifi K5 lit IlUfe 143 ffij inBnnrn 15S 21T 189 J 7 Sober Ill 144 KB 151liartusoHartasn 143 135 222 G ScbarL IB3 CT 166 166Themas 1tiGThemu 301ThemsaThemas 36 135 I 2Q IlfcK1nI I lleKInlcr MeEInio J99 MS 2 2nst m mTtalSD WITiitsls509TtalSD nst ls 905 1800 1 I Totals TOOI SB MS SICDavidson rolled second and third panes panesSUNDAY meaSm1 gam gamSUNDAYSUNDAY Sm1 > AY SCHOOL LEAGUE LEAGUEBethany LEAGUEB LEAGUEBLhanyBethany B I Dumbarton DumbartonSmith Th1m Th1mSmIth DTImbartaeSmithSmith 150 MS 3 158 L Webber K8 1O 141dutiOWn 155 155Edaeton 3 3EdngtcnEdaeton S3 119 11 m lQ11 W V Boglay US l IK MB MBWalter J5Walter 1 1WalterWalter 130 IK 115 11 E E Borfey BeI MB M8 l lA Iffl IfflA HiAA HarUtall 125 3I 1 16 5 120 IxitfeSser leithensr U1 1M 1 IDS Mf MfB IfEo WBB Eo HartsUU 147 136 ll M5 I Rabb bb tffi 19 2 2ToWs IK IKTotals 176ToulsTotals C5 raise in ero Totals GOO 6 M 7fl 7 i iWASHINGTON 810 810WASRINGTON 80WAShINGTONWASHINGTON RAILWAY RELIEF ASSO ASSOTradi ASSOTndl ASSOThdoTradi and Roadway I Southern SouthernGibson SoahemGlban SouthernGibunGibson 25 Z Ut XIcLean Mc JJ166 168 ItS Bi BiGnrc 131Gorc 134GoreGore 1S3 153 1 IS White 1 1M H3 10 10Vhitner 1mitncr 109WhithtrVhitner itncr 203 US 189 Ptflo 192 113 Ill 135Brookc7 L Li IllBreatheBrookc7 Breathe 1H 123 ILCLMdnUn 151 114 ITS ITSStaub 11081mbStaub i liO 17S iTS 1S3 l i ItfI 88 B McInhWBS = 1SS ll m mllcrbert 131 131Herbert 131fletbertHerbert ITO 139 le 189ToWs Totals 854 854TDla1s 854 S54fll7 S54fll7Totals HI IS ISTotalsTotals 057 097791150 097791150Northeastern 737 fm fmNortheukm 63 63NortheasternNortheastern Colombia ColombiaHrfricSc ColmnbiaJIe ColombiaEadrickHrfricSc JIe rict 161 109 155 Wehansea 151 32 09 09Woody 26 26Voody J6oodrWoody oodr 141 173 133 Bhck m 1 04 144 144Rennp mR 144Tlen11pRennp R 181 157 1ST Carter 119 U7 2tt 2ttMcKbaey UlcK 2111ckinrMcKbaey lcK 1ckinr 130 in 14 I 151 CwnneD 171 117 llf llffikinner 3 3skinntl If IfSkinnerSkinner 117 181 181 Farran 170 1H IK IKTotals 1MTc 15 15TotalsTotals Tc ah 353 857 793 T I Totals 803 6 it 333 333R 983It 153itR It R It Y Y M M MaA TA A LEAGUE LEAGUETrainmen LEAGUETraInmen LEAGUETrainmenTrainmen Nix Nt 2 Shops ShopsKitchen ShopKitchm ShorsItitchenKitchen ISO 161 151 Noon 00I1 oone e 115 Ul 1 1ia In InB 174BarnesB Barnes 121 130 IS I Wollett W lletL MS ME 1 106 1068itrny 109Firarny 1 1NfUltY8itrny GB ia 112 14 Shanahan MM 143 133 133Kyoo mRyoo 115llyoa102Kyoo llyoa102 102 1 2 115 152 flOod 147 IK Ul UlBuscacr 1S 1SBuscher 131BuacherBuscacr 123 155 IS 131 it51 Great Grc1lctab 147 34 B6 1 = 1S1 1S1Total 121TotalsTotal lctab G54 674 7C3I jQ3 Totals HI 11 733 Tl3NATIONAL n nNATIONAL 723 723NATIONALNATIONAL UNION LEAGUE LEAGUEMatoaK LEAGUEMtttua1t LEAGUEMutualMutual Columbia Co1ambiBO0 Other L1rr 305 172 173 t Harrk 14f 197 153 183Itrian 153limn 153itrianItrian IK II 140 183 DIWKI 167 184 168 168Frank i51Iean 8 8JrankFrank Iean 178 141 4tW4On Uiw YIOO fl 168 l 1 Ht HtAnId 140Araold AnoW 1GT > 171 t Korbfck nebeck M 161 Ml Ml1L 141IL 140ILIL Ochltr 1S5 160 ia I 1k dir KB 1 S 187 187Kmg 111ing 357KingKing ing 1 IeJ M6 I IJrmpJircr IJrmpJircrTotals l5l l5lTata1 m 357 357TotalsTotals Isllfc SS3 mcU S13I I Totals TOWSiOO 8C6 Mi 851 775 775COMMERCIAL i75COID1ERCIAL 710COMMERCIALCOMMERCIAL DUCKPIN LEAGUE LEAGUEP LEAGUPIcct LEAGUEPcoriesP Icct Pcories T > > les MoO Ins Co Wash Toteeeo orJo orJoManibill OB OBMarshall OsMarii3allMarshall 93 9 IE Imit Id I Cramer CramerColcr OS OSCole OIl OIlCColcr C Cole Je 95 W M RlwWliw Speldk tI K fiS 1 151 151Hngbo mJlngbes 111IIngbesHngbo 109 102 Wn Tionrtwi Thidn 91 73 m mDaTis tIDu 105PathPath Du 1 75 73 ftli F I Bwifcr I Ii Ml MlChrisnell 111tbrise1I 105CannedCanned 100 109 56 I L Let3 Let3Tot y 57 S8 l KB KBTotals 103Tof1OTotals Tot Tof1O 5 lrolrowi 411 4 4 i Totals Tnliii TnliiiNORTHBASTERNDUCKPIN til al JI1 JI1NORTIIBASTERS 051NORTJIEASTERNDUCKPINNORTHBASTERNDUCKPIN NORTIIBASTERS DUCKPI LEAGUE LEAGUBAtlantics L LEAGUEAtlantis AGUB AGUBAAtlantis A anUa I Lincoln LaMwlrr LaMwlrrR Lauad1sR Ssh Horrtean Olrl 89 99 103 I Grist 83 M MDn ft 05 Xi Xiflragr JDiacrr Dn r S8 3 79 77 I Kelpy W S3 97 97Knocker 57Itnothy 7 7Inockt7Knocker 101 98 71 KM ro I Karom 112 IB 5 5Hasan ro roJIa 09liaanHasan n 94 SO 97 I Suds Str SudsTotals lr J8 117 84 84Totals S4TotslJrTotals InlTiliBil 4i3 m Ii 461 t Totals Tobs4i 1 415 rm 507 4 4Imelela 441 441Lorelss 447LoyeIeLorelss rolled in third game in IJomsiBs Unraipn a aDunn place placeDnnn placeDunnDunn rolled in third game me m in Kannna KamantKapp place placeKapp iliaCIlKapp l pp role in third came in Keiths Keilh place placeCharlie phceCharlie sinceCharlieCharlie Dooln Doom and Ills tenon fellofTthesplan tenonthespian fellowthespianthespian Jimmy McCool will jump from fromCamden tramCamden fromCamdenCamden N J to Cincinnati Garry GarryHerrmann GarryHerrmann CarryHerrmannHerrmann left the Ohio city when he heheard heheard hoheardheard Dboln Doom was coming thoro to pro provent prevent proventvent Charlie from hypnotizing him into intomaJdn intomakin intowiakingmaJdn makin a deal for HoblitseUTWonder what Mertz Mertzwill will say today at the sign of f the Moon MoonMERTZ MoonMERTZ MoonMERTZMERTZ SAYS 8orB coses closes at 6 p pAt M IL Saturday at 9 P M MTHE MTHETHE HIGHEST HIGHESTGLASS HI6HESTCLASSCLASS OF MERCHANT MERCHANTTAILORING MERCHANTTAilORING MERCHANTTAILORINGTAILORING COMES GOMESFROM COMESFROM COMESHFROM MERTZ ARTISTS ARTISTSSuit ARTISTSSuitAt The Sign of the Moon MoonSuit HSuit or OvercoatWe Ve are catering to those men menwho men menw menwhowho w 110 seek quaJity tailoring tai1 ring at atpopular atpopular atpopularpopular prices This special was wasmade wasmade wasmademade possible by a lucky pur purchase purchase purchase chase of fine woolens from a aprominent aprominent aprominentprominent importer One hun hundred hundred hundred dred different weaves weavesOur weavesOur weavesOurOur Famous Royal Blapk BlapkThibet Bla BlaThibet k kThibetThibet Suits to order fflll 01500 500 value sPaue gJ IS600 500 TROUSERS TO ORDER 345 345If 345 345If 345IfIf you live out of town townl send for Booklet and Samples Samplesand SamplesMertz SamplesMertzMertz and Mertz Co CoInc inc 006 OF F StRACING CARDS FOR TODAY TODAYJncksouvllle TODA TODAYJacksonville Y YIncluondlJeJncksouvllle JncksouvllleFIRST IncluondlJeFIRST JacksonvilleFIRSTFIRST RACBSlx furloncs furloncslM turloog5I furloogsWbeethniWbeethni lM I U rc 95 lleroeth 10S 10SMadcaot 111S1Iadclfne 115MadeftiMadcaot L 1 I 106 Woolsrxrn ooLVm m mIjott mJAIl IDLouJAIl Iiaisr JUI tr 105 9511Jrpeth Aphrodite Ill IllABBA lUABBL 111aioeABBA aioe KB KBSBCOND KlSBRCON lCdSFCOhDSBCOND BRCON RACBPire RAC le and onehalf furlongs forlocssGraadPysy tarlOOJSfkit furlongsOnadOnad GraadPysy Pc 5y 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mileUnmanRamon Carom K Alma Boy 365 365LUUoMarchmont 156UtIle f fLlUloLUUoMarchmont UtIle JLnhmont S6 1 Himalaya imalaJ3 163 163Hojle 16JIOJlc 15 15lloyle3 1Hojle lloyle3 105 I Joe W VCM1d odn odnBuna 10 10Buns 109Ranier Buns 105 Barney Oldfleld 109 109AUTOMOBILE 1mAUTOMOBILE 109AUTOMOBILEAUTOMOBILE NEWS NEWSAA Ford touring tourin car was purchased by byW byW bywW R R Buchanan of Charlotte NCf NCfand NC NCand N C Candand shipped to that place last Tuesday Tuesdayby Tuesdayby Tuesdaybyby the Roman Automobile Company CompanyThe CompanyThe CompanyTheThe Barnard Motor Car Company has hasmade hasJtUlde hasmademade extensive alterations and improve Improcmonts improvemonts j jmentsmonts in their salesrooms In Fourteenth Fourteenthstreet Fourteenthstreet Fourteenthstreet istreet where where they thO will plnqo a number numberof numberat numberofof StoddardDayton StoddardDa ton cars on onexhibltlon onexhibltlonthe exhibition oxhlbltionthe exhibitiontbothe beginning of next w Week Weekh week4he ek ekThaiTha 4he h Library is U tho name of a new newgarage newgarage newgaragegarage recently opened by J F WIndom WIndomatat Second and East Capitol streets streetsW str streetsw ts tsWW G Whitlock of the Empire Tire TireCompany TireCompany TireCompanyCompany of Trenton T cntonNJ N NyT J is calling on onthe onthe onthethe local trade with w th temporary quarters quartersatat tho New Wlllard WlllardHurry Wl1lardJ WillardHztrr J I IHnrryHurry Hztrr Benner traveling rapjesenta rapjesentativo fonresentaUvo reproscntalivelive for the Century Ccrttu Tire Company is In InWashington InWashln inWashingtonWashington Washln on for the week weekC weekC1C D Bell factory t Cl representative represontatlve of ofthe ofthethe WelchDetroit Motor Car Company Companys 11s s registered at the New Wlllard TheTO ORDER ORDERIN II IIININ ALL WOOL FABRICS FABRICSStandard FABRICSSS 1150 1150StandardStandard S20 20 Values Elsewhere ElsewhereEvery ElsewhereEvery ElsewhereEverEvery Ever suit syit we make m e is guar guaranteed guaranteed gnaranteed anteed absolutely no matter matterwhether matterwhether matterwhetherwhether you pay 1000 or 400 400for 4000 4000for 4000forfor it itAUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY DIRECTORYeSOn DIRECTORYApperson DIR1CTORYAppersonApperson eSOn EMERSON of OBMB OBMBDetroit OIWE OIWEDetroit o oDetroitDetroit Electito an 1211 models modelsTemporary modelLTempomJ inalelsTemporaryTemporary location rear of 129 J1 K it It na naPhone D1IoPhone asPhonePhone Main tfK tfKBABCOCK 5BABCOC T TBABCOCBABCOC ELECTRIC ELECTRICTheThe Auto Aristocrat AristocratCARPENTER Ari5tDcratCARPEZonR AristocratCARPE1EUCARPENTER AUTOMOBILE ADTO OUJLE CO Uth and u 0Elmore uElmore UElmoreElmore ElmoreCHARLESCHARLES E r aiTERS aiTERS1C9 3rrEMIt9 trxns1D1C9 L et It nvr II Ttiefhooo North NoribHUPMOBILE NorthHUPMOBILE IBS IBSHUPMOBILEHUPMOBILE 19118750 19118750ZELL 1911 8750 8750ZELL 5750ZELLZELL MOTOR CAR CO COIJ15 coDlS COu15IJ15 New ew York are TeL Tel lam 253 253NTERSTATE 1INTERST 2123IkITrflOTATrIkITrflOTATr f DAVID DAVIDBENDIUCK DAVIDBENDIUCKllHIflO1RII a HENDRICK HENDRICKIDAV 5nnDCK 5nnDCKPhcaeINTERST llHIflO1RII NTERSTATE A IE I 13 H st mr mrPhonoPhone M y 31KRIT Offi OffiKRIT IB1KRIKRIT KRI T P tss TO TORoadster o oRoadster Ya YaRoadRoadster Road Rnnaboot Rtmabout Fooriaaeecger loar terrf rvWILSON Cd e 1531 llth st st Phone r North 3lUi 3lUiJ 31411MARION niisIIn4LIIIn4LI J J H 1 Ebersole EbersolePhone EbersolefthIlflhIINMARION fthIlflhIIN 1 Phone N 3727 377IS1521 IS 14th street streetDADDV streetPARRY streetDADDVPARRY DADDV J3 rm vzutou5o15teEEr to LS50S to 35 H He P In IniifViv 1mthe liiaa iifViv a sza i I th the long run a Parry will be j your 1GQrclImer yourebobm choice IRVING GARAGE IfiT 141 Into tr St It Phon PhonaColumbia PhonCcAambia PhonCcslonibiaColumbia C7a C7aPULLMAN 472 472PULLMAN PULLMAN PULLMANTHEODORE PULLMANTHEODORE PULLMANTHEODORETHEODORE BARNE3 4 CO COPhcna 00Phooa c3PhonePhone Main 1179 1222 3 H st at wr wrKauch MRauch asRauchRauch a Lang Electric ElectricIMPERIAL ElectricWPERIAL ElectricIMPERIALIMPERIAL MOTOR COMPANY CO1IPANT12U CO1PA COMPANY111V Y12U 111V V It t nw nn Phoot PhooeNx5 PhooeNx5Regal Phon N SOS SOSea 1 1RegalRegal ea EMERSON ORME ORMEDetroit oum oumDetroit O1tM O1tMDetroitDetroit Electrics all 1911 melds moddaTemporary moddsemporil7 meldsTemporaryTemporary emporil7 location rear of B m9 K It at nw nwPhone 11 11Phoce cvPhonePhone Main KQS KQSuepalrlacr MERepalrl 7 7Itepairleguepalrlacr Repalrl J Ford Cars a SpecialtyCan MR MR sat3mcIIANIcS BOWERS JSIunser JSIunserMECHANICSMECHANICS YECIIA CS AUTO REPAIR CO CORear COnear coRearRear 1330 L l st 51 nw Phone M Yo 75S 75SStoddardBayton nElStoddardDayton 7112StoddardDaytonStoddardDayton StoddardDaytonBARNARDBARNARD MOTOR OAR CO co1m COi612i612 1612 Hth si nw Tetepbano North NorthSWINEHART NorthSWINEHART SEES SEESPNEUMATICSWINEHART TIRES TIRESPNEUMATIC TIRESPNEUMATICPNEUMATIC AND SOLID SOLIDComplete SOLIDComplete SOLIDCompleteComplete Stock Maintained Mf ntained byTERMINAL TAXICAB COMPANY COMPANYTemporarily COMPANYTemporarUy COMPANYTemporarilyTemporarily Located LocatedRear LocatedRear LocatedRearRear 1219 l tD 13th St N w TVDAVID wThomas WDAVIDThomas ThomasFlyer ThomasFlyerVelie flyerD Flyer FlyerVelie D DAVID 1317 Phene S H 1 1Velie HENTJRICK at M nw nwPhene QSTVelie r40 r40MILLER 40 40MILLER 40MILLERMILLER BROS AUTOMOBILE 4 SUPPLY SOPPLTHOUSE SUPPLYllOUSE SUPPLYHOUSEHOUSE 1105 l Hth h st at Phone Ph ne N tl me meWASHINGTON 4179WASflINGTON L LWASHINGTONWASHINGTON WASHINGTONCARTERCARTER MOTOR CAR COMPANY COMPANYMtrosey COllPAYMtmSe7 COMPANYMunseyMtrosey Building Bu dinz Telephone Main 512E 512EWarrenDetroit 5 5WarrenDetroit 5115WarrenDetroitWarrenDetroit 30 30Anto 30Auto 30AutoAuto repair shop and 00 salesroom M08 lith It ItPhODe atPhone Phone Korth US S3 NORMAN S BOWLES BOWL BOWLWhite Afeat AfeatWhite ArtntWhiteWhite STEAM AND A1 GAS GASTHE GASTHE GASTUETHE IMPERIAL MOTOR CO COiat COUUiat V O st IIIW w TeL Tel North SO SOEEPAIES mREF 155 155REPAIRSREPAIRS REF AIRS1 GARAGES C CAUTO 0AUTO CAUTOAUTO REPAIRS BY EXPERTS EXPERTSABBOTT EXPERTSADBOIT EXPERTSABBOTTABBOTT AUTO REPAIR IlEP m CO COmiis COmlISmiis nth et It 55 55Old w wOld vOldOld Belmont Garage GarageClarke GIUIIgCClarke GarageClarkeClarke F N NAuto NAuto NAutoAuto repairs ft used can Bold on commission commissionRear commiss1cmReu 5 5RearRear 1307 K nw en Phone M M 31EVEITT 223 223EVERITT 23EVERITTEVERITT 30 30Latn B HI uaS D m mLstLst Lat t 1311 foredoor style now on exhibition exhibitionPOPE exhibitionPOPE exhibitionPOPEPOPE AUTO CO COS17S19 COSlStD CO1Sl9S17S19 14th St Sf Tel M 11 748 748Buick 14Buick 745BuickBuick Company is the Washington sales salesagent salesftSent salesagentagent for the th VelchDotroit and Is dam demonstrating damon dossoustrating onstrating on traUng a 58horsepower IOU car of ofthis ofthis ufthisthis type at its salesrooms salesroomsThe salosroomsThe salesroomsTheThe directors of the Washington Auto Automobile AntomobUe Automobile mobile Show hold a meeting at the of offices otfices offleesfices of the Cook Stoddard Company1313 H street street yesterday afternoon at t S4 oclock oclockDuring oclockDurIng oclockDuringDuring the meeting it developed that thatmany thatmany thatmanymany more applications for space at the thoshow tJ1eshow theshowshow had already nlrond been made than there thereIs thereIs thereisIs actual space to be rented which Is a astrong astrong astrongstrong Indication that tho show which whkhWill whiettwillwill open next February 13 in Copven Copvention Copvcntion Copvenliontion Hall will be an entire success suec from fromaa business and financial standpoint standpointWW C Long manager of the Commer Commerclal Commercial Coinmercmlclal Auto and Supply Company was waselected waselected waselectedelected chairman of a a committee that thatwill th thatwill t tw1l1will attend to the drawing for exhibit oxhlbltapace exhibitspacespace The mooting adjourned to meet meetagain meetaJafn meetagainagain next Wednesday evening at Eck Ecksteins Etksfo1ns Keksteinssteins cafe 1412 141 Now York avenue when whenthe whenthe whenthethe spaces will bo disposed of oft otJ otAj jAA t White truck M horsepower loaded loadedto loadedto leadedtoto Its capacity made tif tiftrlnl a trial run to toWashington toWlUihlnston toWashingtonWashington from Baltimore yesterday yesterdaymorning yosterdaymorning yesterdaymorningmorning making the distance in five fivehours fivehours fivehourshours and twenty minutes which con considering considoring considoring sidoring the condition of the roads r ds was wasremarkable wasremarkable wasremarkableremarkable time timeDnt timeDnt timeflatDnt Nelson e1ftOn announces Hint ttmt11e lie will willgo sviIIgo viiIII go to the mountains and live as a her hermlt isermit J JII mit for six ix months to determine whether whetherhe whetherheI he can come back and regain the cham championship chamI chainpionship pionship failing in which he will go into intopolitics Intopolitics IntopoliticsI politics in Illinois Shades of Uncle Joe JoeCannoal JooCannoa JoeCannonlCannoal ttF

Fifa Manager 14 Crack Only Tpb


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